Managing consulting – is a type of activity, oriented on optimization existing structures and processes in the definite business.
Any business has certain criteria, which characterize it as a commercial organization: structure of the company, business-processes, administrative directives and resolutions, staff efficiency (economic and social), company mission, vision, strategic goals, complex of activities, oriented on their achievement in the form of plans and functional departments.
When extracting of a commercial result becomes very difficult and impossible, or a result does not satisfy the owner, then a question appears- why it happens like this? This is a reason to involve a management counsellor.
Objectives for the management counsellor:
My experience in the sphere of management consulting started in 2007, when I set up the company Intake-Consult. During the first years the company dealt with organizational diagnostics, then the variety of our options were expanded and before 2012 the company became a training and full-cycled consulting agency.
At the present moment the main request for consulting services is connected with development of mission, vision and corporate ideology of clients’ companies. All these three foundation stones form basis of the business. It is a pity, that a lot of people neglect them, and then they are perplexed, why their business so quickly comes to its logical end. But it is natural: when there is no vector and push for development, when there are no values and a goal, for the sake of which the business is set up, this business will not live long. This is connected with the fact that a lot of companies change development for functioning, and consider profit making as their only destination. It foredooms them to go around in a circle.
Vision — is a perfect tool, which works in any consulting- individual, organizationally- managing, business. When an owner or a top manager has a clear understanding, what should he long for, then it is 30 % in achieving the image of his desired future.
Mission of the company– is its socially significant role. It is necessary because it is not enough for people just to earn money: they just want to believe in something, they need support in business. That is why mission is ideological support of business. Its profit-values, goals and ideology are formed around mission like around a core of an atom.
My specialness as a consultant is that while working in three areas (business-training, coaching and managing consulting), I have a wide armory of methods to resolve any questions, regarding business of a supplier and his personnel growth.
Stages of work Identification of strong and weak sides of the organization Formation of problematic…