What for do I write books? In order to share my practical exploratory studies, which were stored during the years of my activity in organizational consulting, trainings and coaching sessions. In the process of books writing I systemize and structure my experience. I would like to give to my readers tool set for conducting negotiations, organizing sales, motivating staff, setting goals, taking decisions and many other procedures, necessary in business.

My books are a hybrid of a manual, collection of cases and author’s analysis of theory and practice for the topic and subject of examination. Books work in connection with my trainings. If somebody does not have a possibility to come to my training, he could buy a book. Besides, if somebody visited my training, a book can provide prolongation of this effect.

Negotiations: The Russian Way

Long lasting experience, hundreds of trainings in Russia, CIS, and Western Europe, an endless number of sincere conversations with clients about why it was impossible to agree, why the product or service is not sold- all of it is incredible luck, which made me richer. This gift is of incredible force and importance, but when I was only starting, understanding of this was inaccessible for me, I was eye-wise in order to see and acknowledge it.

Effective B2B negotiations

In our lives, we all participate in negotiations – consciously or not, at the work or household level, when solving corporate or personal issues. Therefore, the ability to understand your negotiating partner, the structure and tools of the negotiator will be useful to everyone. And if you work in sales, and especially in the B2B sector, then this book will be an excellent “compass” for you in the art of negotiation.

Compass of a negotiator. A book about negotiations, but not conversations

Philosophy of a modern business is a philosophy of a negotiating process. The idea, which lies inside this approach, is quite simple and utilitarian: competitive advantage of any company is a sum of qualitative incoming resources, used tools and technologies, professionalism of the managing team, of operatives and salesmen.

Motivation of trading team

«Motivation of trading teams» – is combination of 20% of profitable theory and 80% of actual practice. The author analysis the meaning of the basic motivation terms, as well as connection between motivation and corporate culture, type of management and business structure. Models and mechanisms of motivations are disclosed in the form of cases from practice of trading enterprises, working on Russian market B2B.

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