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Useful anti stressful directives


Good vote of confidence in personnel anti stress would be learning and ability to use the following directions:

1) Do not model a behavior of another person “from yourself”, especially, if you do not know him enough: do not deprive him of the right not to look like you!

2) Do not expect from people gratefulness for your good deeds and communicative investment: it could become the source of strain and turn into neurotic disorder. For the majority of people, it is much more difficult to feel gratefulness then anger or irritation. Good deeds are to be done selflessly. If you are not tuned on it, it is better not to do anything at all. It is worth being honest!

3) Forecast risks in volume and with courage: you have to be ready for them in advance!

4) Remember, that people are liable to inertia (for example, inertia of stereotypes), as well as you (at least, in certain cases). That is why always take it into consideration!  

5) In communication and in relations you never need to forget about all the volume of your experience, but to use its data flexibly and plastically.   

6) Never lie to yourself regarding yourself and other people. And always be ready to solve the question: what I am ready to change in myself, to swear out, to adapt to, to play for the sake of achieving this or that goal.  

7) It is good, when you could immediately easily change the attitude to strict, not pleasant stressful situations, especially unexpected, to change the modality. Not to be upset, not to blame others, not to look for the guilty one, not to regret and not to overthink. Vice versa: to find out your mistakes, understand, why have they happened, learn a lesson from what happened, record it in memory and be grateful for it.  

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