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Why do we need to know about the needs of the client?


It is necessary to know about the needs of the client in order to make him the best trade offer. You can guess about the content and nature of his needs, but it’s better to know about it for sure. To do this, the needs need to be identified with the maximum degree of reliability. In the market, this is done repeatedly: first at the stage of designing and developing a product (service). Then at the marketing stage. And finally, directly in the process of selling.

Needs differ not only in subject matter, origin, and source. They differ very significantly and variously in functionality. For example, even the same product may be needed by different people for different purposes of use. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the needs of the buyer in order to:
• find out exactly what problem he wants to solve;
• how will he use the purchased product;
• to present the product in all benefits in a targeted manner;
• be ready to respond to the client’s objections based on his own needs;
• build a long-term relationship with the client, endearing him to himself and achieving loyalty in personal contact.

The seller needs to remember that the client, like any person, likes it when they understand what he wants and what he needs, and are ready to provide qualified assistance in meeting his needs. To the seller who has successfully solved his task, he will most likely come again with pleasure and can become a regular customer.

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