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Pshyco diagnostics, goal feasibility and transformation


By the results of pshyco diagnostics it is possible, for example, to define that the person is not a team player. In life this type of person prefers to shut out then to integrate. He has a separating type of personality- “I am separate from everyone, I am by myself, I am comfortable with myself”. And suddenly, having become a chief, he comes to a business coach with a request: “I would like to build up a dream team before 2022”. In this situation a specialist has to make the client understand that either there will be nothing as the result, or there will appear unlikely deep transformation of himself. How could be managed what is absolutely foreign for you, unclear and, more likely, alien?!

Or, for example, an introvert comes to a coach and says: I want to be a freelance programmer and work from home. But the coach sees that for such type of person by his pshyco type such practice would become a torture: he would lack of communication and exchange of energy with the surrounding, he would not survive in isolation, even if it is thought and starts voluntary. 

Clients could want to get nonrealistic effects. The task of a coach is with the help of questions tactically lead a client to that it is not for him. And what is more important is to give him a possibility to know that false strivings would not give him any benefit. And in order to satisfy material and spiritual demands (income, popularity, respect, self-realization), there are certainly other ways and scenarios, which are suitable for this exact person.

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