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About differences between leadership and management


Leadership and management are processes, connected with social power in a group. A chief grounds his power on formal rights and responsibilities. His status could be named formal leadership. A leader has a leading influence on a group of people in the system of non-formal relations, and his influence leans over acknowledgement of his personnel qualities. Working advantage over other people is called non formal leadership. 

A leader and a manager are close to each other in their essence, but, besides, they differ, as a chief, firstly, orients on the objective of the common activity, it means he focuses on people doing right things, but a leader focuses mostly on group interests, on people, who do something correctly from the position of the group.

Leadership is more a psychological aspect, characteristics of separate group of participants, but management is tightly connected with a social component, firstly from the position of regimented hierarchy of management and subordination roles. But even in spite of different types of management, both a leader and a manager finally have the same objectives- to stimulate the staff of the company and send them in the right direction. 

Other differences could be described in the following way.

  • Management— stable phenomenon. Leadership is less stable and depends more on the mood of a group.
  • Management — is a goal oriented controlled process. Leadership is more spontaneous. 
  • In management there is a definite system of sanctions. In leadership it is defined to a lesser extent. 
  • A chief regulates formal relations (directs work), but a leader regulates interpersonal relations (encourages people, influences on them emotionally). A leader meanwhile works only with in-group relations, but a chief is obliged to manage group relations also in microstructure of the organization. 
  • A leader — is a representative and a member of his group. A chief represents the group at a higher level of social relations. 
  • A leader takes decisions himself. A process of decision taking by a chief is more difficult and includes many aspects. 
  • A chief has superiority over subordinates in power hierarchy. He builds his relations with employees in accordance with certain social roles. A leader finds people, who share his views, meanwhile formal hierarchy is absent. He considers demands of employees, orients on their goals and interests. 
  • A chief provides goal achievement while controlling subordinators. A leader leans over trust, he motivates and inspires employees. 
  • A chief resolves tasks, trying to decrease the set for problem resolving. He leans over his previous experience. A leader, vice versa, constantly looks forward to new extraordinary decisions. 
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