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About transformational coaching


The most frequent requests in life-coaching – “I want to be happy”, or “I want to be rich”, or something like this. In other words, the goals are often quite substantial but not always definite. What is happiness for you? Is it a family, house, car, maybe Is it life in a separate island far from noise cities? What is wealth for you? Is it 100 000 salary or maybe it is millions of dollars in Swiss banks? These goals are of course interesting, but in order to realize them you need to make them clearer. For example, I want to be appointed to the position of a shop director or I want to find a wife, a husband. If the request is left as not clear and a person still is not able to define what he wants definitely, then a coach could spend too much time on searching the object of a goal together with the client.  And it should be mentioned that not all coaches are ready for it even in the concept of life-coaching or coaching of personnel development. 

On the other hand, we have business coaching. There is also a place for thoughts of a client and his definition of the desired result, but, as a rule, a person has a premeditated goal, with which he goes to a coach. Especially if we speak about technical transformational coaching. 

On the other hand, we have business coaches. There is also a place for thoughts of a client and his definition of the desired result, but, as a rule, a person usually has a premeditated goal, with which he goes to a coach. Especially if we speak about technical transformational coaching. Its essence is that a client applies with a special goal, term of achievement of which is a change, transformation, and a coach offers to him a certain set of actions and commitment to the algorithm. Long warm conversations about what is happiness, wealth and what is the essence of it are excluded. A client says what exactly is the problem and where it should lead if it is not solved. What is necessary to be solved, according to him, now and so on. 

There is a wrong opinion that it is enough to pay money and that are all obligations of the client. But in reality in order to achieve something clear and certain, both sides have to work. A client is the side, which takes a decision. The task of a coach is to show the direction and move the client to optimal, adequate steps in order to achieve set by him objectives. 

That is why transformational business- coaching is also a project. And a project, as it is known, differs from the process by availability in its resourcing limits. One of these limits is time. So, a coach and a client have limits and they should optimally use those possibilities, which are available with them for the certain period of time. Optimally means to spend maximum resources and to get maximum results. And that is a very serious common work.

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