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Agile as a method of teamwork


Agile appeared and started to develop in 2000 as a method of developing software in small teams. In its turn, it came there from a famous example of a foundation of a plant Toyota, where every employee was able to stop a conveyor in order to remove disrepairs or introduce novice offers. Here in below there is information what is Agile and what are its advantages before other methods of management.  

Usually in the majority of companies at product making people, who are responsible for different stages of a project, work in different departments. And quite often it happens that something went wrong at developing or product launch into its exploitation, and everyone starts blaming each other – testers accuse developers and vice versa. Of course, fault and responsibility at this situation are on everybody. At the usage of Agile such approach is excluded, as it presupposes participation of all the project team in product creation. And meanwhile everyone is left with his own habitual competences. So, people would see their mutual business not only in the frames of their objectives, but also from the position of competences of their colleagues from other departments. Such an approach not only allows to see the work of other people and take part in it, but also to understand that the whole team works for the sake of achievement the only common goal- qualitative product.

Of course, there are organizations, which are not relevant for Agile. The best example are state authorities.  And as all their activity is based on legislation, it will not be possible to insert frequent changes into work of these formations.

So, we have two absolutely different from each other infrastructures. Bureaucratical organization with a strict hierarchy and wide variety of formalities, which, anyway, works well in several situations. And young startups- teams of spiritually close people, who work side by side and create new products and generate breakthrough ideas.

Agile, out of question, would be able to work only where the team has a “soul”. Where people are connected emotionally and all work as a one for a common result.  

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