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Does coaching suit you?


Usually coaching is presented as a perfect solution for any problems in case you find a good coach and start your working with him. And as the principles of coaching say that all is “ok” with all people, and that everybody has relevant resources in order to change something in their lives, then it happens that any person is able to achieve relevant results.  But is it true in the reality? How to know that coaching suits exactly you?

All of us are Russians, and Russian soul, as it is known, is quite mysterious. And even if we made any conclusions from classic literature, then that is we like to reflect from early years, trying to understand the reasons of our failures and problems, comparing ourselves with other people, with acquaintances and friends, with colleagues and chiefs , with weak and strong forces of the world.  Also, unfortunately, we like accusing somebody and be sorry about our position, elegize and abuse fate. And quite often it happens that that is the way we get used to all of it. And we forget that for a long time we have not tried to undertake anything in order to change something to better.

However, the secret inhere is as usually easy: if you realize your problem and step by step work correctly in the right direction, then you would be able to achieve what you dreamt of, and sometimes even what you have not thought about. And here in is the main problem. In order to achieve anything, you need consciousness, motivation and system of working on yourself. And that is the point, where a lot of people finish their way to any changes in life.  

«They run out of their strong will» — as many say. However, “strong will” is just a discipline, multiplied with motivation, which, in its turn, appears after strict realization of your dream, visualization the result and understanding, what for do you really need it, but not anybody else. So, if a person does not have any direct goal, he would not have any understanding, motivation, discipline and changes as the result.  

That is why in order to make coaching help you, you need to have a goal. Coaching is a technique, which would help you reach chosen by you destination only even if you know by yourself where to go.

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