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Artefacts of a corporate culture and their meaning


It is commonly believed that a corporate culture is not only the one, which is based on impeccable, from the moral point of view, principles and values, but, first and foremost, then one, each element of which really works as a tool for flexible staff management. Besides, it advantages capitalization of nonmaterial assets of the company, image rise and support of business reputation. From this point of view, the fundamental aspects of corporate culture are taught in modern Russian universities not correctly as of today, and not practically, off the mark. So, for example, that is the case with interpretation of corporate culture artefacts.

As a rule, bookish understanding about corporate artefacts do not move forward after nods to the side of visual, material carriers of organization’s culture- documents, where it is fixed, visual-graphical elements of corporate identity, other symbolic and “ceremonies and rituals”, by which corporate holidays and ceremonies are usually meant. In a more utilized and applicable sense corporate artefacts are opened as the main constructors of a working environment, samples of cooperation and patterns of behavior of organization’s members, as its basic norms and patterns of perception. 

If we speak about gnostical and manageable value of artefacts of a corporate culture, then language and manner of communication in an organization, relations between employees and clients, will be more indicial as such, then clothing, symbolic and statute. So, artefacts are those visual elements of a corporate culture, by which you could judge about it not only formally, but also meaningfully, not only statically, but also in dynamics.

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