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How to make right decisions


Every day we take a lot of decisions. And while some of them are quite easy and do not demand certain thinking in order to take it (what to eat, how to dress up, when to go to bed), then in order to take other decisions we sometimes need to take a lot of efforts in order not to make a mistake. So what is the better way to take not easy decisions? Which method is better to be used and is there any difference in these methods? Let’s discuss it here in below. 

When we need to take an important decision, and any decision in general, there are two variants – to decide every variant one by one or all together. For example, we have an objective to hire a new employee. We could have a look and evaluate resume of every person separately, and then to take a decision about who we are going to hire finally for an interview. Which variant is better in this situation?

As a result of one experiment for this topic, during which people were offered to choose one variant by any method (one by one or all together), it turned out that those people, who saw all the variants all together, chose objectively the best variant in 22 % more often. It seems that such a method works better as it is much easier to make a right choice when there is all relevant information in front of you and comparison could be conducted more attentively, then when you consider everything separately, and you have the opinion about every variant and then you return to them and start to compare them.

That is why if in your agenda there is an issue about hiring an employee, which model of a phone to buy or you need to decide any other question, which requires thoughtfulness and attentiveness, have a look at all the variants simultaneously.

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