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Key factors of corporate loyalty


At the first sight corporate loyalty of an employee could be easily confused with the comfort zone, easily induced by his nearest surrounding. In the reality corporate loyalty is based on coincidence of personnel and corporate interests, values and vectors of development. At least partial or temporal, but obvious for a person. And the feeling of a comfort could be achieved even in the frames of subcultural groups inside the company.  

What are the key features of a corporate loyalty? In other words, what should be achieved so that an employee identified himself with the company where he works? The following features are worth of figuring out:

  • An employed person identifies himself with it with pleasure, being proud of working there, which raises his profile in his own eyes, and, as he expects, in the eyes of his surroundings.   
  • He leans back to his company as to the resource, to his foundation, base, “being charged” from it with force and confidence in himself and his future.  
  • He reaches synergy in cooperation with his work colleagues, which has not mechanical, but overthought goal-oriented character.  
  • He intends to improve indexes of his activity, also for the sake of his company, in order to increase its competitiveness.

It becomes a guide of values for his corporation in a society, agent of its influence, its free “advertising agent”, which reinforces its HR-brand.

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