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Mindfulness skills


Usually coaches have a psychological education, so they know a lot about the appropriate tools. For example, psychodiagnostics helps to determine a specific psycho-emotional situation in a person’s life and how it affects his results in work. At the same time, a competent coach will not assume the role of a psychoanalyst or psychotherapist. He will not voice his situation to the client, even if he himself understood it well. With the help of the results of his psychodiagnostics, keeping them in his head, he will be able to bypass some sharp corners in communicating with the client and not cause him anxiety, anxiety, irritation, touching them. Thus, psychodiagnostics will be part of the coach’s indoor, internal “kitchen”, the processes of which should not be available to the client.

For example, as a result of psychodiagnostics, the coach can understand that at the moment his client is experiencing serious stress, the level of which can be measured. Perhaps this stress will be caused by dissatisfaction with the current place of work, the amount of remuneration for work. And there will be a reason behind it: perhaps a person got his problems from the fact that he turned out to be maladaptive to the function or the company where he is now. The coach can bring him to the realization of this with the help of well-formulated questions. It is possible if the client expects exactly his place and his work profile, where he can unleash his potential and find harmony.

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