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Value-target correspondence of the employee and the company


When they talk about corporate identity, they mean not only the issues of external attributes and branding of communications in the market. The deep meaning consists in matching the goals and values of employees with the goals and values of the organization. This has not only a certain lofty moral and moral meaning, but also quite utilitarian, pragmatic. The fact is that we are able to do really well only what we like. That’s the way we are. We succeed in what does not find resistance in our soul, which does not contradict our inner beliefs, which meets our principles and ideals. Yes, unfortunately, many people do not like their work and work simply because they are forced, as they say, life forces. But they are unlikely to become leaders, effective specialists, masters with outstanding achievements. They just don’t need it. Their system of goals and values may not even touch the sphere of their professional realization. Therefore, when hiring a manager, he must clearly understand how the internal content of a potential employee in terms of his interests, needs, ambitions, attitudes corresponds to the corporate business philosophy and the requirements of future work. If it does not match, or the degree of compliance is low, then a person alien to the corporate spirit and the industry will not take root in the company, and the company will lose time and money. This circumstance once again insistently reminds us of the inextricable link between management, motivation and ideology. If everything is going well with the value-target correspondence of the employee and the organization, then the programs for increasing loyalty and improving the socio-psychological climate in the company will work with proper tuning. It is possible to determine their effectiveness on the basis of the employee’s comprehensive assessment procedures.

It is important to understand that corporate identity at the level of the personality of each employee has another quite pragmatic and specifically economic meaning. It will be reflected in such an objective indicator as the employee’s personal profitability. An employee will be profitable if the company spends less money on him than he earns for her.

But even it will be short-term if, when applying for a job, we pay attention only to the professional competencies of the employee and ignore his personal qualities and value-target system. This short-termism has become a problem, the scale of which is growing. A significant number of companies engaged in sales are annually stressed by staff turnover and the need to invest in new personnel. Often these investments turn out to be unjustified, and staff rotation is cyclical. Many managers have stopped investing in the training and adaptation of sales staff altogether, assuming its instability. It turns out a vicious circle. The management of companies that do not care about the correctness of personnel selection, directly or indirectly lumpenizes human resources, the quality of which decreases with each of their new entry into the labor market. Unfortunately, in Russia it is necessary to state the presence of a considerable number of enterprises whose management is completely unscrupulous in matters of personnel selection in their commercial divisions. The managers themselves in such companies, recruiting sales staff almost blindly, actively dismiss employees after the first failures and unresolved problems.

The task of combining personal interests, goals and values of employees with the corporate ideology of the company is solved only through the interaction of the head with subordinates. To do this, management should know enough about its staff in the context of achievable, quite tangible values that can be maintained and developed through work at a certain enterprise, career, income. Sometimes, as a motivational tool, a conversation between a manager and a subordinate is very useful to find out what the latter wants and what can be achieved through joint efforts. But the building of these relationships, in fact, begins at the interview stage. An important role here is played by the competence of the manager in the ability to create a trusting atmosphere and the right emotional background for contact with another person.

But the task of integrating the values of an employee with the values of the company is almost never set, except in rare cases, especially valuable specialists that the organization wants to get and, as a rule, these are not salespeople. More often it is necessary to solve the task of seeing what goals and values an employee has in order to figure out whether they are suitable for the company or not. Trying to remake an adult is a thankless task in most cases, sooner or later he will leave anyway. “Combing” someone to fit your corporate culture – this most often means “scratching against the wool.” If he agrees and goes to work for a company that is “not to the soul”, then he is in a desperate situation. If a person has freedom of choice, he will never go where he is uncomfortable. And lack of freedom, dependence, hopelessness, need, as we have already noted, are by no means the best prerequisites for productive motivation to work. Burdened initially with a negative attitude to the profession, position, work, industry, company, manager, a person will never be effective. He will just try to sit in an uninteresting organization for some time.

It is easier and more grateful to choose a person suitable for business and firm. Find the appropriate one in their qualities and train them to the right level of competence. Even a highly professional employee should not be clung to if he is not relevant to the business in terms of beliefs, thinking, attitudes and values. There is no shortage of supply in the labor market right now.

There are firms where people are needed who are able to quickly achieve results without attracting additional resources. For example, where the business is organized by design, when there is no need for permanent persons to work with clients. Let’s say there are client micro-projects for which management hires people until they work out their resource, and when the micro-project is closed, they say goodbye to these spent people without regret. If the micro-project manager has not burned out yet, he has a chance to get into the next micro-project. This situation can be satisfactory for the business only if the frequent change of managers is not critical for the client. If such an elimination game is a consequence of the management’s inability to build and organize a stable sales department by selecting and motivating useful personnel, then this book will be useful to such managers.

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