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Easy and useful methods of personnel anti stress


Stress – is a permanent follower of a modern person. The more active our life position is, the more difficult and diverse our activity is, the more we could be amenable to it.  But there is also good news: resources for stress fight and decrease of its negative consequences are inside of ourselves, we just need to learn how to take them out and bring into action.

Phycologists systematically work in the direction of anti-stress methodic and very often they offer original decisions. The following approaches are very easy and helpful:   

  • If you are afraid of any coming event, really existing person, unavoidable change, which would provoke risks of non-stability, give to the object of your worries and anxieties a funny, joking, caricaturable name: defensive mechanism of your physics unconsciously would work in the way that you would be afraid of him less and have an easier attitude;
  • «dividends for stress»: in a situation of another stress remember about one of happened to you earlier cases, the less pleasurable it was, the better it is for such a memory, and immediately after it remember, how, after some time, you became another person, learnt something new, grew, increased your worth, so that it compensated the undergone by you heavy stress;
  • In any situations get yourself used to look like a person without problems, such practice would justify itself so that when the habit is formed to look happily, the difference between “seem” and “be” would become thinner and be erased step by step;
  • Collect your success, record them into a special diary, try to fix 3-5 of your victories and achievements every day, so that you are able to give yourself a pleasant for you bonus;
  • In case of stress, state of uncertainty or perplexity, try to remember your feelings during the moments, when you totally controlled the situation, coped successfully with set objectives and achieved your goal; it would be a good example of what you are capable of and you would get your self-confidence at the current situation: mechanism is the following- qualities, once expressed by a person, could be easily transferred into another context.  

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