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Key principles of motivation system formation


Profitability of any business depends on several factors, and the key factor is humane. Well-motivated team is able to move the most general business-factors to a high level of quality and competitiveness. And vice versa: even with strong materially technical factors, a company with weak level of staff motivation would not be able to become a leader.   Blurred motivation is often a symptom of general ill-being of a business, when company’s matrix is not structured; corporate goals are not strictly set, realized and accepted; processes are not built and established; non strict labor distribution and spheres of responsibility are allowed; management is not systematic.   

An important problem is connected with staff motivation of a business company. The owner of business is an employed manager and an employee sees this problem differently from him. Each of them pursues their own goals: an owner- increase of profit and business capitalization, a top-manager- decrease of expenditures and increase of manageability, an employee- growth or stability of his income as well as improvement of labor conditions. A logical question arises: how to remove this contradiction in the interests of the named three parties, taking into account all the interested figures? The answer could be made up from three key principles of motivation system formation:

  • motivation in business should be made from its goal and be based on a corporate ideology;    
  • motivation system should be flexible so that to consider to its maximum the interests of business owner and employees;
  • in order to save flexibility and adaptivity to the market, motivation should be constantly changed in accordance with the dynamics of internal and external business factors. 

How to form an effective system of staff motivation, basing on business goals and company’s corporate culture? 

            Staff motivation system should be individual in every enterprise, as it is formed basing on business goals. At least, it should be like this in the ideal situation. Exactly known business goal of a certain company defines how to combine material and non-material tools of staff motivation for its realization. Motivation, in this way, should be agreed with the firm activity’s goal, as well as its corporate culture. This connection is obvious and true, it should be accepted, and it should be leaned back on. All structures and management processes should be built on it. 

            Another thing is whether we are able or not to set goals, including those about business? Commonly used phrase that a goal of any business is profit making, in the reality, is nothing else but substitution of notions.  Profit is like a side effect of reaching goals, which, if they are correctly set, are not about money at all. This effect is necessary, pleasant, but anyway it is a side one. As for money, then if the goal is exactly money, then business is not the shortest and easiest way to get money in Russia. Business in our country is bothersome, which initially takes more from an entrepreneur, then gives to him.

            Correct goal setting would be connected with unique character of its product and service. Here in a marketing approach is possible, the logics of which is to clarify the demands of the market and offer optimal and the best mean to satisfy it. It has the right to exist and very often it brings real success and back run. If a person likes doing something a lot and he does it perfectly and that could be interesting and necessary for somebody, then what is left is to find a good way to sell it.  

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