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Components of emotional intellect


Which qualities are valued today in chiefs, managers, specialists? Immediately professionalism, ambitiousness, resoluteness could be named. For a present leader also a strong control over the situation is important, impeccable ability to control himself, resist stress and not to be lost at quick change of a situation. It is not important in which sphere the leadership is expressed: people management, sales, high technologies. Shout at people, impolitely communicate with clients, lose temper while conducting experiments… From such negative reactions we are held down by control over our behavior and behavior of other people. It is considered that it is mostly provided by emotional intellect. 

The term emotional intellect is connected with the name of American man Daniel Goleman. In the middle of 90s he published a book, where he proved that emotional intellect is more important than a rational one. Possession of it helps a person to be successful in life. 

Emotional intellect is an ability to recognize yours and other feelings, wishes and motives, as well as to manage worries for the sake of solving practical tasks and goals achievement. Emotionally intellectual man is able to influence other people’s feelings with his feelings.

Emotional intellect consists of several basic elements:

  • self-consciousness
  • self-regulation
  • motivation
  • empathy(sympathizing)
  • communicability

Special trainings could help in developing these capabilities.

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