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Sport as anti-stressing practice


If in your life there is too much stress, do sport! That is a perfect advice, isn’t it? Especially for a tired, overstrung and irritated person, who is above everything is offered to do some physical exercises, the thought itself about it not often provokes enthusiasm among people, let alone desire and wish to do it.

And you only have to make yourself do it, you would not regret. Unfortunately, after the first training you, of course, would not want to train on a regular basic, but it is possible to work a habit out. A lot of people do say about it, including Hollywood actors. They do not want to train and have to make themselves do it. But after trainings they feel themselves much better, and trainings give long-lasting effect, and also it could seem strange, but they help to cope with stress. 

And that is not just a simple speculation like “do sport and all will be fine”, sport really decreases the level of stress as doing physical exercises influences the level of produced neuro mediators, which influence our good mood and it also decreases the level of hormone of stress in blood- cortisol. 

1) Physical exercises decrease anxiety. After exercises electrical activity of muscles decreases and a person becomes calmer. 

2) Sport helps to relax. After a training a state, so called “after training euphory” comes, which appears because of the produced endorphins – hormone of happiness. Tense removal for the next hour-two is guaranteed. 

3) Trainings increase self-estimation. How you can’t love yourself or at least praise for that you at least made yourself do physical exercises. 

4) Exercises help to improve appetite and make you take care of the quality of food which you eat. It is not a secret that people, who train, eat more often and more healthily. In its turn, it also influences positively your state, helping you to fight with stress and consequences.

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