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Strategies and visions in business


Today strategy in business could be understood in absolutely applicable way as a way to present a product or a service, which would turn preferences of buyers to our benefit but not to the benefit of our competitors. Guarantee of a good strategy is to do what others cannot do, or to do well what is done badly or with great efforts by others. The most difficult is to find someone unique, what we could do better than others, not allowing our competitors to copy our strategy.  

Strategy happens from future vision. Vision should reflect desired perspective of the company for the next 5-10 years. In general terms we formulate how we would like to achieve our vision. After we have given definition to our vision, as well as to strategy and key goals, it is necessary to define key factors of success. They are necessary in order to provide realization of our vision and strategy. 

Key factors of success- are the model of company’s management in several directions or aspects of activity, in which it could take or hold competitive positions in the industry. Usually, by means of analysis, three or four important facts are defined. In order to point out these factors, you need to analyze groups of factors, connected with technology, production, distribution, marketing, staff qualification, innovativeness, possibilities of the organization, leadership, logistics, reputation, image.

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