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Stresses of communication: how to overcome them?


Stresses of communication are the most spread among other stresses of professional activity. And even among any stresses in general. Being in social space, most of time of our activity we participate in this or that way in a communicational process. Sometimes, we communicate with such people, who do not bother themselves with tact, rules of politeness, norms of etiquette. It is more likely that they do not put themselves at the position of their interlocutor, they do not think about the consequences of their words and actions. There is also those part of communicative stresses, which appears, as it seems, by much more objective reasons. There is no desire to call them viable, but in many cases, we have to. 

One of the most unpleasant and sharp stresses of communication is a stress of refusal. We receive “no” to our offer, request, question, initiative, inducement. Sometimes it could throw us off the stride. Especially when we lose those good, which is beyond the variant “yes”. It is meant here lost opportunity or benefit. 

How to go through stress from refusal with minimum loses, to smooth it, minimize and transform it? 

  • Variant constructively- critical: there is no need to panic and be sad as soon as you get a refuse, but after calming down, you need to think over what was wrong in your offer.
  • Variant constructively- optimistic: it is worth looking at the refusal as at a forbidding sign to the direction of emergency part of the road. 
  • Variant resource-analytical: the door, closed before your, is a perfect chance to see in front of you a lot of doors, one of which would certainly be opened to you.  

By and large, right thinking over a refusal could happen in terms of motivation to continue your move in term of route correcting and refueling before the start. Many phycologists, development and management specialists think that failures teach us better than successes. They make us hardier and more resistant, and if we perceive them correctly, they temper us and teach us to achieve what we need.  

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