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Are sellers dying out?


There is an opinion that a sales manager is a disappearing profession, and due to the influx of new technologies replacing people, the need for sellers will soon simply disappear. Today there are many sales tools that are really able to compete with people in one way or another — auto sales, auto calls, targeting, chatbots and others. This is already a whole market, which many companies resort to. But can these innovations replace sales managers?

Of course not. Because already now most of these “new” sales methods are ineffective. Email newsletters are easily blocked by spam filters. Also, unwanted numbers on smartphones simply get banned or blacklisted. Advertising on the Internet is removed by the simplest blocking programs. The price of the lead is growing, and since electronic promotion is not cheap, the conversion may be low, and, consequently, this whole idea becomes simply unprofitable. In addition, not all regions of Russia get technology as quickly as in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Therefore, people are still the main source of business well—being and its most valuable resource. Sellers existed for a long time before the advent of the Internet and are still relevant now. It’s hard to imagine that someday we will be able to do without them. Maybe such a time will come, but it will definitely not be soon. In the meantime, the human factor in sales plays an important and decisive role. Therefore, it is in the interests of any self—respecting organization to train its sellers and invest in their development.

And if we talk about the “extinction” of sellers, then if this happens, it is not because of the invasion of “technologies of the future”, but because no one deals with people in companies: sales managers do not have a focus on results; they are not good at convincing; they do not know how to ask the right questions. questions to customers and work with refusals, objections; they speak sluggishly, quietly, indistinctly, without enthusiasm; they often do not care about their goods and their work; they are very clamped and pathologically afraid of people; they are not confident in their own abilities in principle… This list can be continued for a long time. These are the real reasons — because of which the profession is really “dying out”.

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