Psychological examples of Digital marketing
Marketing of Digital format entered changes into advertisement. Firstly, these changes touched upon its goals, tasks, criteria of effectiveness and tools. Especially vividly, it was expressed in social media, where advertising messengers are pumped in accordance with users’ activity. How has it been reflected in certain technologies of communication?
Lead generation has become a necessary tool for targeting. It allows to segment the audience most precisely. This technology works with the effect of subjective living through a deficit of time, when a consumer would perceive only that information, which exactly he needs. It is not enough to just “inform” the user of social nets, he should be “hooked”.
Move away from directness in presentation the product or a service: the subject of demonstration is an idea, close to the target audience, and a product and a service is just a way of realization such an idea or even its attribute. As an example, we could remember a clip, which became very popular in Runet: an American actor with Russian roots – David Dukhovny, explicated on the screen an idyllic picture of Russian lifestyle for the sake of a couple of seconds to demonstrate a glass of beer “Sibirskaya korona”.
Fashion for virus clips, which are built on exploitation of strong interests and feelings of a person: curiosity and desire to share strong emotions with the surrounding. Immediately it comes to mind fascinatedly beautiful clip about Missis Claus, spouse of Santa, made by British pret-a-porter for a brand Marks & Spencer, which we sent to each other as a congratulating video on Christmas Eve and New Year a couple of years ago.