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When and how coaching of relations help?


People apply for coaching of relations only when they want to develop their personnel or professional relations. It should not be mixed up with a family coaching, because, opposed to it, coaching of relations goes beyond the frames of a family circle and it covers relations of people as a whole. For example, clients could choose the work with a coach if they feel difficulties in acquiring new friends, even from those people, who share the same values and interests. For example, clients could choose work with a coach of relations, if they have difficulties with finding new friends, even from the circle, who share the same values and interests as he does. There are clients with problems of self-esteem and confidence in themselves, which is also reflected in their communicative actions at establishing contact with people. These problems are universal and have a negative influence on all spheres of relations, disturbing form achievement of certain personnel goals and resolving working objectives.

People could happen to need help in the following spheres: 

  • Finding weak sides of the existing relations.
  • Search and neutralization of fear, anger and low self-estimation.
  • Working out confidence in yourself.
  • Definition of those people, who are close to you.
  • Help in searching and involvement of a relevant partner and building healthy relations. 
  • Working out patterns of behavior, which are obstacles to full-blown relations.
  • Search for ways to supports personnel borders.

«Relation» coaching possesses methodic to support a client in resolving those objectives of his personnel development and flexible competences of communication and relations. 

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